tests for speed

Fitness tests for speed & agility: Test your speed and learn how to run faster

Discover the basic fitness tests to use for speed and agility. This article explains how they work, gives sample test times for each category, and lots more.
Dean Davis Track Spikes
Dean Davis
December 2, 2021

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tests for speed

People always want to know the fastest time they can run. The distance is irrelevant—running speed depends on several factors, including

your running biomechanics and skill level. But if you’re looking for an easy way to measure speed or agility, some simple tests will give you a clear picture of how fast or agile your current fitness levels are right now.

Arrowhead Test

Arrowhead speed agility test

The Arrowhead Test is a standard agility test designed to measure speed and agility. It’s easy to set up, which we’ll go over now:

Mark out an arrowhead using 6 cones like the picture shown below and the exact distances.

A good time to aim for is running the arrowhead in under 8 seconds.

It’s a good agility test as you do not need any other equipment other than cones or markers to put down. I do not have measuring equipment you can roughly measure the distance between the cones by using steps.



The T-Test is a simple running test that can be used to assess your speed and agility. It includes both forward, lateral, and backwards running. The T-Test provides feedback for improvements in speed and the ability to run faster by focusing on technique instead of distance covered.

40 Yard Sprint Test

The 40-yard sprint is a commonly used exercise in many sports programs and tests. It’s a simple test that usually consists of running the 40 yards as quickly as possible while maintaining good form.

The 40 Yard Sprint Test is a short, fast (<7 seconds) and simple test that helps you learn how well your foot speed and agility are. It’s crucial for anyone interested in running or playing sports at high levels.

The 40 Yard Sprint Test is a test that can be modified and used for different sports. It’s usually done in 3 attempts per person, and the mark out should be 30 metres on an even, firm surface. The timing can easily be achieved using two timers that allow you to compare results from each attempt and know how much time it took during your sprints.

Horizontal standing jump test

A Horizontal jump test is a simple, low-cost way to measure your leg power. You can take this test and find out how much jumping power you have. You can use chalk or a marker on the floor to mark where you jump and repeat the test as many times as necessary.

Vertical standing jump

You can use a vertical jumping test by standing next to a wall, reaching as high as possible, and making a mark on the wall where your fingertips are.

You will then jump and try touching the highest point possible on the wall. Once you’ve done that, you can measure the distance between your starting height and finishing point, which will determine how much power you have in your legs. 

You can then repeat this every few weeks or once a month to determine how your training is progressing

Which test is best for speed and agility?

The best test you can perform to test your speed and agility is the 40-yard sprint. It’s consistent when you read a form the test, and it gives you a good idea of where you are. It incorporates many aspects like essential speed, power, flexibility, running posture.

What does the agility test measure?

The agility test measures your coordination and ability to respond quickly. The test includes a series of movements that are measured and timed and can be tested against in the future.