Running with Weights: Everything You Need to Know

Learn the basics of running with weights and how to progress from running to running with weights safely.
Dean Davis Track Spikes
Dean Davis
October 19, 2021


Running with weights is a great way to get in shape and stay healthy. Running has many benefits, such as increased cardiovascular health and burns calories more quickly than other forms of aerobic exercise; the key to successfully running with weights is consistency. It’s not easy, but it can be done if you practice and take your time in getting into shape.

Running with weights is a relatively new trend. There’s some evidence that it can increase the calorie burn during the workout and improve speed, endurance, and joint strength. It can also help to improve posture and bone health.

Weight training is a better method of building lean mass than running with weights because you make your muscles work harder.

It’s important to remember that running with weights means you’re increasing the difficulty of your cardio workout by adding more resistance. Running with a weighted vest is one way, but it can also be done without any equipment at all. Weighted vests are the most common way to run while holding hand weights, but you can also wear wrist or ankle weights.

Running with Weights

Benefits of Running With Weights

Weighted vests are a great way to protect you during running. Running with weights is also an excellent way to stay in shape and improve your performance. There are many benefits of running with ankle weights, including protection from injury, improvement of movement quality, and more efficient use of energy during exercise.

There’s some evidence that running with weights can increase your speed, endurance and strengthen your joints. One of the most important things to remember is not overdo it by doing too much weight-bearing exercise.

Running with weights can help runners increase their speed, endurance, and agility. Weighted vests are typically used for weight distribution, while hand weights or wrist weights are usually used to target specific muscle groups. Wrist or hand weights generally are the most popular among beginner runners because they allow for a more controlled movement than other types of weight.

You can burn more Calories

Running with weights can have a positive impact on your heart rate. It also requires you to work harder and, in turn, burn more calories.

increase your strength

Strength training, in general, will also improve your running economy, which is the efficiency of moving a certain distance while using the same amount of energy. This, in turn, will help you to run faster without getting tired as quickly.

It is recommended that runners do at least one set of strength training per week. It’s also important not to overdo it, as you can lose the range of motion in your joints.

Types of weights for running

Many different types of weights can be used when running. Some examples include weighted vests, ankle weights, wrist weights, and dumbbells. However, one type to try out is the weight in a backpack. This allows you to easily carry your weight with you and run without feeling uncomfortable or getting too much pressure on your back and shoulders.

Running with Ankle Weights

Ankle weights can alter your running biomechanics, form, and gait. This may result in an injury. It is important to start light and progress slowly as the body gets used to running with weight around your ankles.

To build leg strength without the risk of injury, I recommend focusing on hill repeats and tempo runs.

Amazing benefits of running with ankle weights

  • Improved speed and endurance by a significant amount.
  • Great for developing leg strength without the risk of injury – but only if you start light and progress slowly.
  • Increase your metabolism.
  • Ankle weights are inexpensive, compact, and convenient to use – they can be used anywhere!
  • Ankle weights are not limited to running – they can be used for many other exercises.

Running with Dumbbells

An easy way to start running with weights is to use dumbbells. Before setting off:

  1. Don’t forget to warm up correctly, as you’ll be putting your body under increased strain.
  2. Start by using light weights, and gradually increase the weight as your body gets used to it. If you feel like the weights are too difficult, set them down and continue jogging or walking.
  3. Stay close to home so you can walk back if needed.

Benefits of Running with Hand Weights

If you’re looking to take your run to the next level, try running with weights in your hands. It’ll not only tone your arm and core muscles, but it’ll also improve your balance and coordination.

Weighted Vest

A weighted vest is a garment that has weights inside of it. The weight can range from 5 to 45 pounds and may be worn by people who want to increase the intensity of their workouts.

There are two types of weighted vests: those with 5 to 15 pounds and those with 20 to 45 pounds. Weighted vests can be worn during aerobic exercises, such as walking, running, and circuit training.

Running with Weights Vest

One of the most fundamental training methods in the running community is running intervals or fartleks. Running intervals is a great way to spice up your training and also a great way to increase your speed and stamina. It is a fundamental training method that we all should be doing, whether a beginner or a professional. Running with a weights vest is one of the ways to improve your running and your power, and the best part about it is that you can do it anywhere and at any time. Running intervals can be a little challenging, especially if you are a beginner, and when you add a weighted vest, the load is heavier, and the challenge is even more significant.

Running With Weights is Not for Everyone

Running with weights is not for everyone, but the benefits of running with weights are significant. It can change your body’s form and help you build more muscle in a shorter amount of time. Weighted vests are used for military, CrossFit, and other types of training.

One of the main reasons people might not enjoy running is because it can be very difficult to balance out your body weight and run. If you’re carrying a lot of weight, you’ll have to run slower or take more breaks. This can be very discouraging for people who are used to doing things quickly and easily.

How to Run With a Weighted Vest

Running with a weighted vest is an effective way of training for athletes. They focus on power and bodyweight exercises in their workout, which determines the effectiveness of using a vest. The frequency and duration of use also impact whether or not they find it useful.

Initially, the athlete should start by wearing a weighted vest that is 5% of their body weight.

Begin by Walking

When you first get your weights, you should get used to the load by walking.

It’s the best way to adjust your body and get used to running with a vest.

How to Avoid Injury When Running with Weights

Before you start running with weights, it’s vital to get a professional assessment of your gait. Many people injure themselves when they first try to run with weights by not knowing how much they should carry or by starting too quickly and wearing the wrong shoes.

The best way for runners to avoid injury is by defining their objectives before adding weights to their training routine. When they know what goals align with the weights, running can be incorporated into an exercise routine that builds endurance and improves performance.

It’s important to remember that increasing distance or incorporating different types of running will minimise the risk of injury when using weights for improving performance levels on runs.

Start For Free

There are many objects just lying around the house you can use to see if you enjoy running with weights. One way is to use canned food or water bottles to go out running with. This is a great way to start if you are unsure about how much weight you need to be using when running with distance or speed because it will allow for a gradual increase in weight to see how your body reacts.

Does Running with Weights Make You Faster?

It’s a question that’s been asked for a while. Can running with weights make you faster? Or is that just an old-school myth that needs to be put to rest? The short answer: yes, it does — and here’s why: First, we need to understand how running works. Running is a very high-impact form of controlled falling. You need to absorb and dissipate all of that impact energy with each stride. The more weight you’re carrying, the harder it is to do this. Runners call the extra effort required to carry that weight “drag.” 

Is it Safe to Run with Weights?

Yes, it is safe to run with weights since you are taking things slow and not running as fast. You will still need to take precautions and build up slowly.


Running is a great way to stay fit, lose weight, and feel better overall. It’s also a great way to build endurance and burn calories. But what if you could combine the benefits of running with other great exercises? If you’re a runner and want to take your fitness to the next level, consider adding weights to your routine. The benefits of running with weights are numerous. You can strengthen specific muscle groups and burn more calories than you would with running alone. I hope you’ve learned a lot from this article and that you’ll experiment with weights in your next workout.